Monday, August 3, 2009

Website Monitoring

As I have said many times on my blog, several products are available today that will allow you to monitor your child's web site usage. You have the ability to view pages, block pages and set up some for approvals. I have purchased no less than 10 products from different vendors through my ongoing process and all but one has been un-installed.

The One that I will continue to recommend is Family Security Net for all of your child Internet monitoring. It is by far the easiest product I have used and is at an excellent price. The price of the product is $3.99 per month and you will have a one time setup fee of $29.99.

I don't know about you, but that is absolutely nothing to pay if it makes me feel like I have a better grasp on what my child is being exposed to online. This product is unique in what it has to offer. You can virtually monitor every aspect of what your child is doing online in several different ways.

Please, read my reviews of the different aspects it has to offer and check out the product. I know I have found the best product for me and I feel like it would probably fit your needs as well.

You can view the product at:

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