Monday, August 3, 2009

Web Page Monitoring

Family Safe Solutions allows you to monitor web site traffic as well as the other things mentioned on the blog. It has a web interface where you can view the various web pages that your children have viewed.

Another thing that I really like about it is the fact that you only have to install it on one computer in your household and not every single computer. That really makes things nice! We let our children know up front that we had the program and they are aware that we can see their activity on the internet, but this feature would also allow any parent to view what their child was doing in "stealth mode".
I didn't mention it in my previous posts, but one of the most annoying things that I had with the other programs I have tried was how difficult they were to use. My youngest daughter (not old enough to have to worry about chatting right now) likes to play on several of the free websites. While these sites are perfectly clean, the other applications I tried would prevent her from seeing certain parts of the pages. That is not the case with Family Safe Solutions. The easy interface will allow you to set pages based on their rating or by manually typing the information in.

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