Monday, August 3, 2009

Monitoring Your Child Online

As the father of two girls I am very concerned about protecting them on the internet. I have researched and bought several products to help me keep my kids safe from view content that I believe is unappropriate.

My quest began a couple of years ago when my oldest daughter asked me why all those girls on the internet didn't have any clothes on! I was taken back by this comment and immediately began surfing online for some means to control this madness.

I am not claiming to be an expert on the matter, but I have had several trial and errors in my quest to protect my children and I am still learning! At first I thought as long as I blocked the websites that were serving unappropriate content.

My research has led me to the purchase of several different pieces of software (many of which are sitting on the shelf becuase they were to confusing to use). I have been using Family Safe Solutions for the last several months as a mean to Monitoring my child online and I absolutely love it.

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